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Mountain Cliff Hiker
Foot Tracks on Sand

The Author

I am deeply passionate about delving into ancient history, science, and theology. Balancing my studies in these diverse fields, I embark on a personal quest to uncover truth, navigating the complexities of scientific inquiry and spiritual exploration. For me, this journey is not just an academic pursuit; it's a deeply personal exploration that guides how I understand and navigate the complexities of life.


- Tim Snyder

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My Story

Growing up, I was always troubled by how religions imposed burdens on individuals, expecting them to meet specific requirements to gain God's approval and acceptance. Similarly, how some scientific explanations seem illogical because they adjust theories to fit the mainstream narrative instead of honestly revising them based on the new evidence. It all felt backwards to me. Having observed the misuse of religion, the rise of various faiths and recognizing that mainstream science often rejects or ignores discoveries that challenge the mainstream narrative, I began questioning what truly constitutes the truth.


It raised fundamental questions: Is the concept of God real, or just a creation of human-made religions? Does scientific inquiry uncover objective truths, or is it influenced by personal theories and biases? And many more followed.


In either scenario, our belief hinges on those you put your trust in, having faith they're indeed telling you what is in fact true. Which led me to the next question, how can you discern whether what's being conveyed is indeed true or merely ideological beliefs in both science and religion? But fundamentally what is truth? By definition truth, refers to the state or quality of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is the conformity of a statement, proposition, or belief to reality or actuality.


I recognized understanding what constitutes the truth is extremely important and powerful because, without truth, reality becomes elusive. Falsehoods and lies create an illusion—a distorted reality that doesn't match what is actually real. Truth inherently offers coherence and clarity, providing a reliable basis for understanding the world, establishing trust, and creating order. Without truth, chaos, disorder, and confusion prevail, lacking any structure or worst case social collapse.


Furthermore, truth is established through objective evidence and can be classified into distinct types depending on the context. In philosophical discussions, truth is commonly categorized into several classifications, including empirical truth, which depends on observation and evidence; logical truth, derived from reasoning and deduction; historical truth, concerning recorded events, eye witness accounts, archaeological findings; and moral truth, rooted in ethical principles and values. Truth can be determined without absolute proof, relying instead on evidence that supports a well-founded understanding of reality. Interestingly, this approach, while not adhering strictly to the scientific method, is widely accepted in the scientific community to conclude their own theories. The origin of the moon and the emergence of life are two examples where scientists have no definitive answers, leading to numerous theories about how they came to be.

Putting emphasis on truth means prioritizing and valuing honesty, accuracy, and sincerity in all aspects of life. It involves seeking and accepting reality as it is, even when it's uncomfortable or challenging, and being committed to integrity and transparency in one's actions and communication.


Like most individuals, we all seek to understand what is true. However, people often resist accepting the truth because they're in denial or struggle with the discomfort of holding conflicting beliefs, a psychological state known as cognitive dissonance. This resistance can perpetuate falsehoods and lies, leading to a distorted reality that doesn't align with actual facts. This distortion causes confusion, misguided beliefs, and poor decision-making. Even more dangerously, some may live in their own illusions, mistaking them for reality, which can lead to serious consequences and a disconnected, unsafe perception of the world. It reminds me of the following saying:


"Truth is like surgery. It hurts but cures. Lie is like a painkiller. It gives instant relief but has side effects forever."


Interesting enough, the essence of how truth, though sometimes painful, ultimately heals, while lies provide temporary comfort but lead to long-term negative consequences. And, regardless of the outcome what is true, whether you disagree with it or not it remains factual. Truth doesn't take your feelings into consideration to distort reality. The universe and the laws of nature remain indifferent to individual beliefs and perspectives, unaffected by personal desires or preferences. It is people who distort the truth to accommodate to what they want to be true, to align to the reality they want to live in.


Personally, when seeking the truth, I found it essential to approach the quest with an open mind, willing to consider various perspectives and viewpoints. Most importantly, be willing to be honest with yourself, become humble and change your mind when evidence contradicts what you believed to be true even when it becomes uncomfortable. Avoid the state of denial. Exploring many sides of a topic allows for a comprehensive understanding and enables us to make informed judgments. By embracing openness and curiosity, we can uncover deeper insights and arrive at a more accurate understanding of reality.

By immersing myself in the evidence and reasoning presented by various perspectives, I sought to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding the origins of the universe and life itself. This journey of personal inquiry has allowed me to navigate through the intricacies of belief and knowledge, ultimately leading me closer to my own understanding of the truth.


So my journey began. 


I found myself caught between two contrasting perspectives: on one hand, the scientific narrative of naturalism, where everything is believed to have originated from natural processes, and on the other, the recognition in both historical and modern scientific inquiry that points towards the presence of intelligence, associated by only intelligent design. Struggling to reconcile these seemingly conflicting viewpoints, I embarked on a journey of exploration, delving into scientific literature, historical records, theology and of course reading the Hebrew Bible, which includes the Torah (Law), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings), as well as the Gospels (the life and teachings of Jesus), end to end many times over and continue reading to this day.


As I envisioned the relationship between science and spirituality, I felt it relevant to be viewed as a two-sided coin shaping what we understand as truth that defines our reality. Within the expansive fabric of truth, one side of the coin radiates with the brilliance of scientific discovery—an affirmation of human curiosity and the pursuit of comprehending the intricacies of the universe. On the opposing side, embellished with symbols of faith and spirituality, resides the profound wisdom of religious teachings, providing comfort and moral guidance to humanity. Both sides equally important that make up the coin at its entirety . This is where I "coined" (pun intended) the name "Coin of Truth" using this simple analogy.


In my exploration of theology, ancient history, and modern science, I discovered that many teachings presented as "facts" were often speculative or ideologically driven. This realization led me to seek a deeper, independent understanding beyond pre-existing beliefs and manipulated information. Additionally, I noticed that mainstream science often omits or conceals crucial data, including timelines and ancient technological advancements. Prestigious individuals who challenge the mainstream narrative are frequently silenced, defunded, or threatened, raising questions about the motivations behind these omissions and suggesting an effort to control the narrative.


This realization increased my determination to understand science and theology independently to get to the bottom of what is the truth or at the very least what is it, we currently do and do not understand.


Recognizing the pervasive influence of personal biases, opinions, and ideologies that have infiltrated both science and religion, my approach serves as a bridge between these spheres, aiming to navigate through the complexities of biased narratives.


It's crucial, especially when boundaries blur between science and spirituality, or when religion is exploited for personal gain or when science has turned into a form of religion itself to reject any evidence that contradicts the mainstream narrative. Not to forget in today's era, where influencers may use subconscious and addictive psychological methods to manipulate people to persuade others into their own ideologies without them even knowing it.


Let me provide a few examples what I mean by these topics.


Although scientific institutions such as CERN may seem disconnected from spirituality initially, further scrutiny uncovers underlying spiritual beliefs and practices. Despite the outward appearance of exclusive scientific focus, the presence of religious symbols like the Shiva goddess monument hints at deeper meanings within these establishments. Similarly, the elaborate occult ceremony during the inauguration of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in 2016, attended by dignitaries from various countries, challenges the perception of science as entirely atheistic. This dualism prompts a nuanced exploration of the intricate relationship between scientific pursuits and spiritual inclinations within the scientific community.


As far as religion, we recognize throughout history, the abuse of religion by those in power has been a recurrent and lamentable phenomenon. In various instances, leaders have manipulated religious doctrines to control and consolidate their authority. By intertwining their rule with divine legitimacy, rulers sought to harness the unquestioning loyalty of their subjects. This exploitation of religious beliefs often resulted in the subjugation of populations, stifling dissent under the guise of divine will. The historical record is replete with examples where the misuse of religion has led to persecution, suppression of dissent, and the consolidation of power within the hands of a few.


One such example is the Crusades, a series of religious wars fought between the 11th and 13th centuries. Leaders in Europe used the authority of the Catholic Church to justify military campaigns to reclaim Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim control. This exploitation of religious fervor resulted in widespread violence and loss of life.


Another example is the Spanish Inquisition, initiated in the late 15th century by Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, Catholic monarchs of Spain. Under the guise of rooting out heresy and maintaining religious purity, the Spanish Inquisition led to the persecution and execution of thousands of individuals, particularly Jews and Muslims, who refused to convert to Christianity or were suspected of practicing their faith in secret.


Furthermore, during the European witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, religious and political leaders used fear of witchcraft to consolidate power and suppress dissent. Tens of thousands of people, primarily women, were accused of witchcraft and subjected to torture and execution based on flimsy or fabricated evidence, often to eliminate perceived threats to authority or to scapegoat marginalized individuals.


These historical events demonstrate how religion has been manipulated by those in power to control populations, suppress dissent, and consolidate authority, often resulting in widespread suffering and injustice. These instances underscore the susceptibility of religious doctrines to manipulation for political gain, emphasizing the importance of vigilance in safeguarding the autonomy of faith from the ambitions of those in positions of authority.


Ironically, some atheists unknowingly promote agendas aligned with satanic-like ideologies. Symbols of ancient mysticism and occult practices often appear in music videos, films, and political events, cleverly woven into narratives to create a mysterious allure that captivates audiences of all ages.


Social media was the largest shifts towards narcissistic tendencies, promoting a culture that embraces the ideology of "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law.". This phrase, stemming from the teachings of Aleister Crowley, a contentious occultist and ceremonial magician, embodies a philosophy that champions individualism and self-gratification. It serves as the foundation for the belief in doing whatever one desires, being whoever one wants, whenever and however they choose.


Is this not clearly evident in society today? Is this ideological view not being pushed into the corporate, entertainment and education establishments?


Have you heard the term "Love is Love"? It promotes embracing love in all its forms, suggesting that there is no wrong way to love. This idea echoes satanic cult practices, such as Thelema's principle: "Do what thou wilt. Love is the law, love under will," which emphasizes following one's desires without restriction.


In essence, both Thelema and the "Love is Love" social construct promote values of personal freedom, authenticity, and acceptance in the realm of love and relationships. They encourage individuals to move away from the notion of following God's will and guidance, instead embracing self-direction and self-expression in matters of love and identity. Both reflect a broader cultural shift towards embracing diversity, individuality, and the affirmation of love in all its forms, challenging traditional moral norms and advocating for a more inclusive and self-directed approach to life.


Embracing the ethos of "Do what thou wilt" encourages individuals to prioritize fulfilling their true will, which can be seen as moving away from traditional religious obedience to God and towards a focus on personal desires. This approach is akin to the philosophies of many modern satanic cults, which emphasize self-fulfillment and individualism.


And when we take a moment to reflect, we often realize that we are more inclined to do what we want rather than what we're told. We prefer to follow our own paths rather than acknowledge that God's path, or the guidance of others, is better. Do you ever find yourself questioning why, despite your care, love, guidance, and sincere efforts to guide your friend, child, or family member they still reject your advice? Are they not sincerely or passionately convinced that they know what's best, even though you explain how their choices could potentially lead to nothing good? Where the end results left you saying, "I tried to warn you" or "I hate to say it, but I told you so".


We all resemble stubborn children who resist listening to their parents, preferring to follow our own desires and beliefs without the need of guidance. We hate the idea of having accountability of our choices to someone else, let alone God. We know what's best. This isn't anything new. No different when Adam & Eve disobeyed God's command, or when the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience, as described in the Book of Numbers and in modern times, people generally resist being told what to do. The idea of being held accountable for our actions is unsettling because we inherently understand the difference between right and wrong, as well as the distinction between objective and subjective truth. We're not stupid, its just easier, more comforting to look the other way and do what we want and ignore what possibly could happen or be true. It's what we individually want to believe and that's all that matters. 

So where does this leave us?


I found no matter how fervently or genuinely one believes in something, its truthfulness isn't guaranteed. Why? It's crucial to understand that finding emotional comfort in something doesn't necessarily make it true or right. The legitimacy of faith isn't solely dependent on the intensity of one's passion or sincerity; rather, it rests on the credibility of the object your putting your faith in. Depending solely on passion or blind faith to shape one's beliefs can pose risks and lead to misconceptions or down the wrong path. Hence why it's crucial to study and examine the evidence yourself to determine the credibility of your beliefs is in fact truthful. Your actions are guided by your beliefs, and it's crucial to anchor those beliefs in truth, which means believing in what corresponds to reality.


Religious cults like those led by Jim Jones, Apple White, and the Rajneesh movement are characterized by their charismatic leaders who often claim to have special insights or divine authority. They claimed to know the truth and spread their ideological views. Members sincerely believed in the teachings and directives of these leaders, often to the extent of sacrificing their own well-being or even their lives. Tragically, this unwavering belief can lead to extreme consequences, as seen in the mass suicides orchestrated by Jim Jones in Jonestown, the mass suicide of the Heaven's Gate cult led by Apple White, and the criminal activities and controversies surrounding the Rajneesh movement in Oregon during the 1980s.


Acknowledging the distinction between proof and evidence allows for a more nuanced approach to understanding truth found in both science and religions. It recognizes that while some truths may be definitively proven, many others are arrived at through a careful evaluation of available evidence, acknowledging uncertainties and limitations along the way. Having faith rooted in evidence entails concluding our beliefs based on tangible evidence, reasoned analysis, and critical examination. It emphasizes the importance of evidence and rationality in shaping our faith. Unlike the misconception that faith means believing without evidence, yet it's understood that faith should be evidence-based, encouraging scrutiny and examination.


This viewpoint promotes critical thinking and open-mindedness, stressing the significance of examining evidence from different sources and viewpoints to reach a well-founded understanding of truth. We often rely on ancient historical records, archaeological findings, and ancient texts to determine historical truths, despite lacking concrete "proof" in many cases. Scholars generally agree that Alexander the Great existed, despite the absence of written records from his own time that directly describe his life. Instead, we rely on evidence such as historical accounts that collectively support his existence and major achievements. 


Having this in mind about our history, I thought to myself, what comes of it when looking into Jesus and the Gospel? Is God true or nothing more than a myth? 


Examining what sets Jesus apart from all other religious figures, several unique aspects emerge. His divine identity, fulfillment of prophecy, miraculous works, atoning sacrifice, resurrection, exclusive claims, transformative teachings, and the offer of a personal relationship with God combine to make Jesus a unique and unparalleled figure in history. Importantly, many truth claims of Jesus are not only profound but also historically accurate and are evidence-based including eye witness testimonies. Historical records, archaeological findings, and the consistency of thousands of manuscripts support the authenticity of His life, teachings, and the events surrounding His ministry and the individuals discussed in the bible.


In the Bible, contradictions are not evident; rather, there are nuanced differences that offer detailed perspectives on the same historical events. Archaeological discoveries consistently support the historical accuracy of biblical narratives. Additionally, there are no instances where biblical prophecies conflict with verified historical events recorded today. Moreover, throughout history and to this day, there is no evidence of any individual willingly to sacrifice their life for something they knew to be false.


Again, there is no evidence to suggest that historical biblical writings have undergone significant changes that would render them historically incorrect and untrustworthy. It's individuals who make such claims with no supporting evidence to their claims through misconceptions which convolute historical events.


For instance, in Mormonism, founded in the 1820s, it is claimed that Joseph Smith was visited by an angel named Moroni, who revealed that previous biblical texts had been corrupted. Smith then provided new scriptures, forming the basis of the Book of Mormon. Similarly, in Islam, which began in the early 7th century CE, it is asserted that the prophet Muhammad received revelations from the angel Gabriel (Jibril), who corrected earlier scriptures to form the Quran. In both religions they say the scriptures are corrupted therefore must be rewritten, yet can't show evidence how or where scripture became corrupted. Blind faith to accept what is taught having no evidence to support such a claim.


These two examples illustrate how individuals historically claimed an angelic visitation led to the conclusion the original biblical texts have been altered and must be changed. Each having their own different and altered religious versions of what they consider to be the bible. Contrary to the existing biblical texts found in Galatians 1:8:


"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!"


Emphasizing the importance of sticking to the true message of the Gospel as originally taught by the apostles, warning against accepting any altered or false teachings, no matter the source. Including angels.


Despite such claims, the integrity of the biblical text remains largely unchanged over time, supported by thousands of manuscripts and non-biblical texts available today found throughout history. The Dead Sea Scrolls is one example. Ancient manuscripts that were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. These scrolls include manuscripts dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE. The discovery confirmed the remarkable accuracy with which the Hebrew Bible was transmitted over centuries. Despite minor variations, the biblical texts found among the scrolls closely resemble those in later manuscripts, affirming the fidelity of the biblical scribes in preserving the text.


Based on the evidence, I believe Jesus is in fact is who he says he is, according to the historical manuscripts and archeological discoveries that align to the bible. I believe that each individual has an important part to play in the bigger picture of life and to seek after truth. Everyone is welcome to embark on this journey, seeking clarity and purpose amidst life's challenges. And as you navigate this path, remember the inspiring words of Jesus in Matthew 7:7:


"Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you."


When you seek sincerely, you will find what you're looking for. Beyond the veils of deception, the answers you seek await to be found, amidst the tangled lies that try to hide it. It's like when you're trying to solve a puzzle - the more you look, the more pieces you'll find. Over time, each piece brings you closer to seeing the whole picture, and eventually, everything will fit together and make sense.  


Every voice holds the power to author truth, in both science and religion. My journey isn't about forcing beliefs on others; it's about motivating and inspiring them as they search for what is true and to question those who claim it. Furthermore, to actually speak and share what is true even when its difficult. Read the bible for yourself. Jesus didn't merely assert that he understood the truth; he declared that he himself embodies the truth, as stated in John 14:6:


"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


I came to realize that my faith is not in a religion, but in Jesus Christ. The truth. While religions can be misused or distorted by individuals, it doesn't alter the truth. Similarly, although science can be manipulated or misrepresented by some, it doesn't change what is objectively true. Ask questions. Seek answers. Find the truth.


And as we have heard many times, the truth will set you free. From what chains? That is a journey only you can unravel.


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