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"Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."

- Albert Einstein -

Abstract photo of hand touching planet earth. Planet Earth from space at night. Elements o

Regardless of what race, culture or religion, humanity by nature is nudged by what some may call our inner conscience or soul. It’s the driving force that sparks our intellectual minds to seek the answers to the most sought-after topic in the world: Our creation. Either it be through Evolutionism or Creationism to the Big Bang or a Divine Creator, we’re all intrigued by this mysterious, complex, vast universe and of course life: How we came to be and our sole purpose in life.


These efforts continue to leave world renown scientists baffled, struggling to understand the very mysteries that lay around us. Hypothesizing and reminiscing about scientific theories and philosophies that have become intermixed with numerous mythologies, ideologies and religions as we gauge further and further into the intricacies of our universe. New discoveries have perpetuated an endless cycle of questions, analyzing the ambiguous breadcrumbs left behind from our ancient ancestors that inquire new scientific break throughs. However, even after such great scientific achievements, we continue to expose our adolescence around the universal laws of nature and the origins of life. Therefore, many of our scientific breakthroughs are based on universal patterns that we can measure against but not built upon the root cause to the effect. Warped space-time, black holes, quantum tunneling, multidimensions, the constants of nature, dark matter, dark energy and gravity are just some examples of principles that are given as terminologies to explain a specific phenomenon we fully don’t understand.


Therefore, the two enigmatic beliefs around Creationism and Evolutionism are spearheaded by nothing more than humanities disagreements that perpetuate different theories, religions, ideologies, and philosophies that give rise to endless debates amongst both scientific and religious scholars. Yet, we can all agree that this universe and life itself is by far the most complex, interconnected ecosystem displaying irrefutable proof that this universe encapsulates both physical and invisible elements that drive our reality.


Ironically the spark of creation is where many scientific theories and religious beliefs come full circle – in fact it has turned into more of a confusing riddle.


We understand that “nothing” is the absence of all things: there is no matter, no energy, no substance, no potential. For something to come into being, it must at least have the potential to do so. Potential is simply the possibility of something happening or of someone doing something in the future. Since nothingness lacks even potentiality, it is not possible for something to come into being from absolutely nothing.


To Christians and most religions, God is the “potential”. The very agent that created all things established by matter, energy, and the substance that we recognize in science – the visible and invisible elements that were created to make the things we see today.


"For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist."

- Colossians 1:16-17


However, many mainstream scientists shoe in the idea you don’t need God or supernatural intervention. Revolutionary developments in both cosmology and particle physics, made it clear that there's a plausible case that could result in understanding how everything can be literally created from nothing by natural processes. One example being in early 2022, strong electric fields were created in a simple laboratory setup leveraging the unique properties of graphene, enabling the spontaneous creation of particle-antiparticle pairs from nothing at all. This proved the notion that something can be created from nothing correlating to what is known as the Schwinger effect. Whereby spontaneous creation of matter can be created by a strong electric field. They didn’t need God to create the matter – it just appeared into existence.


As the prestigious Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist famously said, "You can get something from nothing without any supernatural shenanigans.".


This is extremely exciting in the scientific field and I too find personally fascinating. However, whether acknowledged or not, the very “potential” or agent to create something from nothing, were the very scientists themselves using elements that already exist – energy and graphene. This study doesn’t contribute to the idea that we don’t need a creator, but rather the contrary. 


Potential (scientist) + Substance (graphene) + Energy (electric fields) = Matter (particle-antiparticle pairs).


Some scientists attempt to disprove God by trying redefine what "nothing" literarily means. Failing to answer not only how can something come from nothing, but why is there something rather than nothing? 


"I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos. There has to be some organizing principle. God to me is a mystery, but is the explanation for the miracle of existence, why there is something instead of nothing."
- Allan Sandage


When we see a pot, do we believe it has no potter? When we admire a beautiful garden, do we think it has no gardener? It's evident that the garden's unity, scale, balance, variety, emphasis, sequence, and boundaries—all defined by hardscape or vegetation—didn't just happen randomly in natural chaos. We understand that intelligent intervention is behind the creation of gardens, separating them from raw nature. Similarly, in the world of cloud-applications, the creation of functional programs requires the expertise of software engineers, who play a crucial role in shaping and crafting information into usable software. Likewise, in biology, DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule that contains the genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all known living organisms. It serves as the fundamental code or blueprint for life, providing instructions for the synthesis of proteins, which are essential for the structure and function of cells and organisms. Therefore, DNA plays a crucial role in shaping and regulating biological systems, highlighting the importance of information encoded within it. Finding the language in DNA while stating it had no mind behind it, is like finding a book and stating it required no author or finding advanced software and stating it required no engineer. It happened to write itself overtime - over a very long time.


While some people question God's existence, we see daily evidence of intelligence all around us—not only in the universe and everything within it, but also in the way information is intricately embedded in its design. This evidence points to an intelligent agent behind creation itself.


For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

- Romans 1:20


Many try put boundaries around God who has no boundaries: mispresenting God as finite rather than infinite. Human beings are finite creatures, so our minds always work from a finite perspective. God is incomprehensible which is not to say that God is utterly unknowable. It is to say that none of us can comprehend God exhaustively. The finite cannot contain or grasp the infinite therefore, many like to play God rather than accept His existence.


Regardless of one being an atheist or theist, the notion around creation remains the same. It takes faith to accept that our universe came into existence by an uncreated creator, which has no boundaries, has always been and just is. It is a miracle that all the parameters in the universe are so extremely fine-tuned to not only support life, but allow life and all things to be created within it. Our reality is constructed by intelligent blueprints and languages expressed in patterns that structure the universe and everything within it. Recognized in scientific research through complex mathematical equations, beautiful geometry and the numerous invisible orchestras of energy, frequency and vibrations that are clearly perceived and accepted as the fundamental building blocks of all things. Corresponding to what scripture has already told us:


By faith we understand the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

- Hebrews 11:3


Further correlating to consciousness, emotions, rationality and morality and mind where the invisible clearly impacts the physical material body.


But how can one determine the truth? We all know between science and theology encompass a wide variety of ideologies, traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices across the spectrum. So where does one begin? I personally found it best to search for the answers using a very fundamental analogy through the representation of a two-sided coin: A side of science (heads) and the other theology (tails), where both sides fundamentally explain the details of creation and life representing the truth which is the coin at its entirety. Science and theology don’t contradict one another but rather complement one another to recognize how matter, life and moral balances came to be.


"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."

- Albert Einstein


By simply asking rudimentary questions you can begin unveiling truths protected layers, such as if God is allegedly a creator, do we recognize his invisible attributes within science? Does science reveal the fingerprint of intelligent design within our universal laws and molecular biology, or do they become contradictory? What is God? Do biblical records allude to modern scientific and archeological discoveries, or do they become contradictory? What was before the Big Bang if everything was created from it? Who or what created the elements that caused the Big Bang which allegedly sparked the beginning of all creation of space, time and matter? Why is there something rather than nothing? Are all religions fabricated having no foundation of spiritual influences or supernatural experiences? How can one justify morality if everything was created randomly and without purpose? Where no universal or natural principles concern the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior – it’s simply survival of the fittest which is not our realty nor human nature. If science keeps changing, how do we know what we believe today may not be what we believe tomorrow? And one of the most asked questions, is if God is loving why do we see evil in the world or why does God allow evil?


The questions are endless, and unfortunately in both science and theology we find many questions must go unanswered and rely on faith to accept. However, many can be answered and that's the beauty of it, which we will dive deeper into such topics later. Furthermore, it’s important to consider whether the questions being asked are applicable to the answers being sought after. For example, if someone asks, "Who created God?", it assumes that God was created. However, God is believed to have no beginning or end and has always existed, making the question irrelevant. It's like asking what lies south of the South Pole—it's a question that doesn't apply.


Over the years the answers received by scientific scholars, archeological discoveries, and numerous ancient texts, drove my belief in God. Whereby establishing my Faith in Christ through the Gospel of Hebrew scripture. During my research it had exposed many religions that preach man-made practices who embed their own ideologies and deceive many as being the word of God - Yes, this includes many who preach Christianity. In addition, I found this no different than many scientific scholars who publish theories that are nothing more than personal theories, conjectures and ideologies yet applied in our education system and perceived as scientific facts.


Some theories in science, like the multiverse theory, are highly speculative and not yet supported by direct evidence. However, because these ideas are discussed by respected scientists and often presented in popular media, they can sometimes be perceived by the public as established facts rather than what they are—hypotheses or educated guesses based on current understanding.


In education, these theories might be taught alongside well-established scientific facts, which can blur the line between what is experimentally verified and what is still theoretical. This can lead students to mistakenly believe that all theories, no matter how speculative, have the same weight as proven scientific laws or principles, when in reality, some are still in the realm of philosophical or speculative science rather than empirical fact.


By stepping back, we can see that scientific laws are often more descriptive than explanatory. They don’t necessarily explain the creation of our objective reality but help us understand the universe by describing observations, measurements, formulations, and testing that lead to various theories. Take gravity, for example. We can observe how objects are affected by gravity, measure its effects, and formulate mathematical equations around it. However, we still don’t fully understand what gravity fundamentally is.


Science and theology often complement each other, but many people mistakenly believe they are as incompatible as oil and water—because that’s what they’re "supposed" to believe. Some even try to erase Jesus Christ from history, censor His name, or deny His very existence. My thoughts on this align with what Albert Einstein once said when asked if he accepted the historical existence of Jesus. 


No man can deny the fact that Jesus existed, nor that his sayings are beautiful. Even if they have been said before, no one has said them as divinely as he.

Viereck, George. (1929, October 26). What life means to Einstein. The Measles of Mankind, pg.117.


In many cases, simply trusting someone is the only option. However, I personally believe following science or a religion through blind trust and or the inability to question helps drive misconception. Those who wish to cancel scientific scholars questioning the mainstream narrative or specifically suppress Jesus Christ, should raise a red flag for anyone. For what intention is this for? Their benefit or yours?


Mainstream science has, in some ways, taken on the characteristics of a religion. Any evidence that contradicts the accepted narrative or timeline is often dismissed or ignored. Scholars who challenge the mainstream are frequently ridiculed, rejected, or defunded, being labeled as pseudoscientific or accused of spreading misinformation—even when their evidence is strong or compelling. This is dangerous for society and suggests that a controlled narrative is in place.


One example is the controversy surrounding the theory of continental drift. In the early 20th century, German meteorologist Alfred Wegener proposed that continents were once part of a single landmass and had drifted apart over time. Despite presenting evidence such as the fit of South America and Africa and the distribution of fossils, Wegener's ideas were dismissed by the mainstream scientific community. Many geologists ridiculed his theory because it contradicted the prevailing belief that the Earth's continents were fixed.


It wasn't until decades later, with the discovery of plate tectonics and further evidence from oceanography, that Wegener's ideas were validated and accepted. His experience shows how challenging the mainstream narrative can lead to rejection and ridicule, even when the evidence is strong.


This situation is reminiscent of Martin Luther, the 16th-century German monk and reformer who questioned and challenged the Catholic Church’s practices, such as the selling of indulgences—essentially, paying for forgiveness. Luther recognized these as man-made scandals, much like how Jesus reacted when He saw the church being turned into a marketplace.


"In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”"
- John 2:14-16


It’s true that in various fields, including religion and science, there are those who take advantage of others, especially the vulnerable and uninformed. The Bible warns about such individuals, likening them to "false prophets" who come in "sheep's clothing" but are "ravenous wolves" inside. This concept is captured in Matthew 7:15, which cautions against false prophets who outwardly appear harmless but are, in fact, deceitful and harmful. This imagery serves as a reminder to be wary of those who might not have genuine intentions, regardless of their outward appearance or credentials.


Unfortunately, ambitious conjectures can be found in scientific, religious, and educational institutions worldwide. However, it’s important not to dismiss all scientific theories or religious beliefs as mere lies, deceptions, or fairy tales. These significant topics deserve thoughtful questioning and thorough research, with an openness to diverse perspectives. Truth is accessible through credible individuals in both scientific and religious communities. To avoid being misled, we must seek knowledge, as it empowers us and leads to wisdom.


Therefore, with my love, respect and fascination for both science and theology, I thought it may be meaningful to briefly discuss such topics and possibly spark your interest to pursue after truth. Hoping you as a reader will stop for a moment and research from both sides of the coin. To conclude your own belief through the revelation of truths discovered throughout your journey as I have.


To gain wisdom and understanding, while placing no judgement upon others. You as an individual, to morally come to your own consensus what to believe and accept without compulsion under your own free will.

“Blessed is a person who finds wisdom, and one who obtains understanding.”

- Proverbs 3:15

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